Instructions on how to install Umineko Project on Android (and other devices)

All credit goes to the people who ported Umineko and created this. I have no involvement in the project, I just wanted to create a guide to help people actually use and read this amazing port whichever way is convenient for them.

There are two ways to do this, however I believe installing it through Nyaa is a far easier option for Android and maybe PC. I'll provide both. If you do the former, unzip the files on your phone as to avoid the horrifying wait MTP transfers induce.

An update has emerged. For the easiest method, download Umineko no Naku Koro ni Rondo & Nocturne (PS3 Chapter 1-8) [Umineko Project] on Nyaa and skip to Step 2 of Method 2 if you are on Android for installation instructions.

Info hash: 6390c55021f8b0aaa4be5cb666ebb4762cd28cf1

Method 1: How to install via Umineko-Project website

  1. Obtain all the necessary files

  2. Extract the files

  3. Done!

Method 2: How to install via Nyaa (Recommended for Android)

  1. (Old) Obtain the Data files, Resource Updates, and Base Scripts

  2. Download and Extraction Location (Important)

    Most issues arise from this step. Most common is the Invalid Launch Directory.

  3. Download the apk

    So at this point, You should have ONScripter-RU in your root internal storage with the Resource Updates and Base Scripts overwritten in. At this point all should be ready to work!

Frequently Encountered Issues

  1. Invalid Launch Directory when launching the app

    This is the case when you do not have the game files in a folder named ONScripter-RU which would be located in the root of your internal storage. Read Step 2 of Nyaa's Install.
  2. What are the controls for mobile devices?

    The controls can be found at the bottom of this text file here
  3. Missing Files/Other Ingame error codes

    Usually these arise when you have not overwritten the files with the updates. The game performs a checksum test on the files when launching, which would explain these issues. Just grab the resource updates and base scripts and overwrite them in the folder.

    If you are encountering issues with the sound files with the square blocks in the name, which should by default work with updated versions of Android, I will include a hash file which will skip these files in the check. This apparently works, albeit with missing sounds. Alas here it is. Make sure to right click - save as and rename the file to game.hash to overwrite the existing hash file in the main directory. If it still does crash after that, my only other solution is to remove said files, if they even exist. Email me if you need further help.

  4. Lag and low performance

    You can limit the FPS, change hardware decoder settings, etc in the ons.cfg file. More details can be found in the spoiler of this forum and more such as controls and other options.

    To paraphrase, appending force-fps=30 will limit the FPS to 30fps, and hwdecoder=on will switch on hardware decoding. I will keep a text file just incase of the forum 404'ing. Here

  5. Installing to a SD Card

    You need to edit the default.cfg file and point towards the path you are wanting eg: an SD card like /storage/####-####/ONScripterRU. Once you have the path of ONScripterRU on your SD card, add a line root=/your/path/here to default.cfg. Once you have done that, copy and paste that file and the en.file into the root folder where ONScripterRU should be located, your internal root storage. This is because ONScripterRU checks the root internal storage like how it should be installed by default, but as soon as it reads default.cfg, it'll point to the SD Card. Email me if you need more help with this.

Closing Note

If you have any issues, you're free to contact me via or Discord @ floof#4883

PS: If you cannot download Umineko for whatever reason and you really want to read it, get into touch with my email and maybe I can send something through snail mail :^)

Written on 04/03/2021 & Last Updated on 23/08/2022